Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Love Poems for Scrapbooking

February is the month of love, of course. Valentines and candy have always been associated with poems and love quotes. This year, make it personal by using your own love quotes and thoughts as a part of the layout in your Valentine’s section of your scrapbook. Experiencing a little writer’s block? You don’t have to write your own! There’s a lot of material on websites, in books, cards, and many other places (even candy!) that is great for substituting for your own quotes.

Feeling brave and the need to be more involved in the writing of the quotes? Try having your friends and family create their own love quotes this year! They can be made up from two words, or twenty! Keep a special collection box (in my case a papered shoebox) in a place that is easily accessible to all of your family members for them to drop them in as they write them.

Family Valentines themes are often the most fun. Love quotes from family can be especially endearing and at times, even humorous. Depending upon the length of your valentines, you can use a number of designs when including the quotes in your page layout. If your family is really involved, and enjoys taking part in scrapbooking, you might even ask each one of them to create a valentine with their love quote written on it to be included on the page with the others.

Have older children who are not so enthusiastic with their involvement? Cut out heart shapes and write the verses into them. Then fold them in half and paste one side to the scrapbook page. Once the scrapbook has been closed for a considerable amount of time, the hearts will remain closed after the book has been opened to that page.

Many weddings are planned during the month of February (wonder why!). A very special way to preserve love quotes from sweethearts during this time is for each to sit down and write the other a love letter. Once the letters have been written, a very delicate and sentimental way of including them in the design of the scrapbook page could be placing each letter into an envelope and wax-sealing them (before the other is allowed to read it) and pasting the envelope into an already prepared scrapbook page. In the future, you can designate a specific time (an anniversary or special occasion) at which you will both break the seals and open and read your letters. How romantic!

Planning a Valentines feature in your work scrapbook? Pair up male and female employees who would like to be involved and have them write short love quotes or a funny note about one another. Collect them, and create ‘sweethearts’ by cutting out pairs of adjoined heart-shaped candy pieces and writing each other’s love quotes and thoughts about the other and notating their names at the bottom. Be sure to display them at the next year’s party so that everyone can poke fun at the previous year’s sweethearts. If you have access to a Polaroid camera and can take snapshots of them, you can include sweetheart mugshots in your designs.

The basic rules of scrapbook composition during the month of February are the same as they are throughout the rest of the year; always keep in mind that the layout and designs you use in the scrapbook are going to be a part of the memories that you cherish forever. If you have further insight or ideas concerning to makeup of your own scrapbook pages, go with your intuition. Any form of scrapbooking is a good one. The designs are not made to overwhelm the pictures and pieces of memories in the book, but to compliment them! The most important thing to remember is to have fun!

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